Apr 27, 2009

Update again

E: 1st lost
P: 1st 4 lbs lost

Still trying, though it's getting harder....


Anonymous said...

It appears from all your updates P loses more than you every week. Are you cheating??? xx

Emma Ferguson-Coleman said...

Laughs. That's a distinct possibility. I think it's the lattes?!

Anonymous said...

Emma, on a completely diff subject. Wot was the Woodland Tipis like that you went too last year. Wanna take my gf away (something diff) and saw this ages ago on your blog.

Hope you dont mind me asking

Lou xx

Emma Ferguson-Coleman said...

Hi Lou

You can look at www.woodlandtipis.co.uk for more information.

The site is blooming lovely, would recommend it to anyone. If you don't mind running around in the dark to open the top of the tipi, then stay in one of them. If you'd prefer to stay indoors all the time ;-) then get a yurt if you can.

Let me know if you do go there - would be ace to hear another person's view!