Jul 19, 2012

Sweet Carrots!

I was sent this by the lovely Lisa. I will try to encourage my famous carrot growage to conduct the same position!

Apr 14, 2011

Ahhh! so sweet!


Jan 13, 2011

A Year To The Day


almost! How the heck did I manage that? in between being addicted to fb/twitter and a wife that is addicted to ebay, I thought I'd visit a long-lost friend (!)

I will try and keep this for as long as possible; but cannot promise to update it as often as I should. I could add my tweets perhaps, this would keep this more current?


Jan 17, 2010


I've not used this in AGES.

Facebook and Twitter have become an easier way of conveying what I want to say here and now. Is this a sign of instant gratification?

Should I close this blog and begone with it?

Those that say blogs are like online diaries have a fair point; looking back at what I wrote in December 2006 and what is happening for me now, kinda signifies I need to be thinking about what to do next....